If anyone wants a new album or new band reviewed please let me know and I will review it!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Indefinite hiatus for the NU-MB Blog

In case you haven't noticed but its been a few months since my last album review. In the last few months since my last posting I have lost interest in blogging album reviews. Sure I still love having people hear my opinions on the new albums that come out from the artists I love to listen to. But It takes time to listen to the music and then write my review. In short bursts I love updating my Facebook status or tweeting about the new music that I listen to. But in writing full album reviews, I lack the motivation and interest to continue writing them. For these reasons NU-MB Blog is going on an indefinite hiatus. I will still keep the blog up so you can all enjoy my past reviews but I will no longer be writing any album reviews. At least for awhile. Who knows, I may pick it back up in the future or someone else may take over my blog and start writing album reviews again.

If you were a fan of my album reviews, thank you for reading my reviews. I truly appreciate people reading my reviews and knowing that all the hard work and time that went to reviewing albums wasn't wasted. If you still want to keep up with me and the occasional status update or tweet about a new album I'm listening to, you can follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tyadams2006 or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/tyadams2006.

Thank you,
Tyler Adams

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marilyn Manson - "Born Villain" Review

Marilyn Manson returns to the metal world with his self proclaimed 'comeback' album "Born Villain". In the past 5 or so years Manson has been a bit under the radar in terms of shocking the world and doing his goth shock rock metal music that he is well known for doing. His 2007 album "Eat Me, Drink Me" was the first album that diverted off the beaten path. It was just Manson and Tim Skold doing all of the work and much of it went in a goth-rock direction rather than the usual goth hard rock/metal style Manson is known for. It pulled elements of gothic romance, 80's new wave, and 70's rock into the music and made Manson seem like a mainstream household name instead of the shock goth rocker your parents hated. It also made manson seem to have this emotional human side to him. From there Manson went on to create "The High End of Low". This album continued with the more mainstream rock music and the emotional human side but this time the whole band was in on the album and it showed Manson as maturing and slowly returning to form. I certainly enjoyed both "Eat Me, Drink Me" and  "The High End of Low", but as a fan I felt both of those albums received a bit of unnecessary negative reaction and hasty judgement from the fans. I can agree on one point, they weren't Manson in his true form. But as a musician I really enjoyed the work on those albums. I felt while there not true form Manson music, they're Manson in a new direction.

On that note we come to his current album, "Born Villain". Manson himself has stated that he feels this album is his 'comeback' album. His return to the true form of Marilyn Manson music. I have to agree. While It can take a few listens to really get into it and understand the music, Once you do, it doesn't disappoint! Manson's true form music has your hits, your average songs and some crazy stuff of which you don't really know whats going on. The true form Manson music also has very dark, gothic tones of which are very much present on the new album. "Born Villain" feels like he's getting out of the mainstream rock music and getting back to letting your parents hate him. It feels like a cross between "Mechanical Animals", "Holy Wood", and "The High End of Low". However the album does not dive into the early albums of "Portrait of an American Family" or "Antichrist Superstar". Since Mechanical Animals, Manson has yet to create an album like Antichrist or Portrait of which feels like death, suicide, killing, torture, depression and all the grotesque gothic themes.

"Born Villian" is a very mature, evolved, creative album. It shows how much his music has matured and evolved over the years and it shows that Manson hasn't got stagnant or stale. Some people say that Marilyn Manson and his music have lost the shocking appeal that fans were drawn to in the beginning and therefore Manson just isn't good or as good anymore. I say shock appeal wears off as time goes by and people get used to new forms of music and begin to accept them which devalues the shock appeal. You could call Elvis a shock rocker and when people got used to it and became more accepting of him, he was hardly shocking. While this album may not be the shock rocker that "Antichrist Superstar" was, it is certainly not to be overlooked in the Manson catalogue. As a fan, I highly enjoy Born Villain and would put it as one of Manson's best albums. Would I like to see a return to the Portrait and Antichrist music sometime? Or a return to the shock and horror that once was Marilyn Manson? Sure, it would be nice but if Manson never does that, I am completly happy with whatever he decides to make. Unless of course he takes a hard left into a tree and creates a Metallica/Lou Reed "Lulu" style album. Then it would be time to think retirement even before thinking of making that album.

                                         Marilyn Manson - "No Reflection"

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Black Country Communion - "Live Over Europe" Review

Glenn Hughes and Black Country Communion is back with a live album entitled "Live Over Europe". For those of you who don't know who Black Country Communion is please see my blog post on their first 2 albums and my band review of them. 

Black Country Communion have come to rock and rock hard! After only 2 albums they release a live dvd to showcase their live shows. In a recent interview with 69 Faces Of Rock, regarding the future of Black Country Communion Glenn Hughes said, “I don’t really know too much of what’s gonna happen in the future. There are rumors that we will make an album this summer. But I’m not too sure. For me, all I wanna do is play live. To all the fans that read this, they need to know that If I had my way we’d be doing mass touring!” And after watching the live dvd you can easily see why Glenn Hughes just wants to play live and tour. You can't really capture the essence and awesomeness that is Black Country Communion on a studio album. It must be seen live in concert! Every song on this live album is a gem and if you have heard the first two albums, you may have thought some of the songs are too slow or don't rock enough. But after listening and watching this live concert, you will definitely be singing a different tune.

For me as a bass player, Black Country Communion has given me a spark of interest in Glenn Hughes and his amazing bass playing. Before BCC, I had no clue who Glenn Hughes was. Glenn Hughes is formerly from the MKIII version of Deep Purple. This live dvd certifies him as one of the best bass players out there today! It also showcases Jason Bonham's amazing drum skills of which he inherited from his dad, the late and greatest drummer of all time, John Bonham of Led Zeppelin. It also showcases Joe Bonamassa's incredible guitar playing skills and put's him right up there with some of the greatest guitarists of all time. It also showcases to a lesser extent, Derek Sherinian, formerly of Dream Theater, and his amazing keyboard playing.

If you get a chance to see this band live by all means go see them. You will be blown away as this dvd shows! It's just a shame that Black Country Communion hasn't received more attention and airplay. This band really puts on a good show doing what they do best which is playing live music.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Van Halen - "A Different Kind of Truth" Review

After 27 years since their last album '1984', Van Halen return with a long awaited reunion and album with David Lee Roth, 'A Different Kind of Truth'! This time around however, they do it without Michael Anthony and his Jack Daniels bass and instead bring on Eddie's son Wolfgang to fill in the bass duties. Now many fans have had some serious Oh-My-God-It's-Not-Van-Halen-Without-Michael-Anthony issues with that. Being a huge and longtime fan of Van Halen (I literally play guitar because of Eddie Van Halen), I really like Wolfgang and embrace him into the band and I am extremely excited about this new album. When the world first talked about the reunion and new album I was hoping for an all out, balls-to-the-wall rock album that would breath new life into hard rock and really show the world that Rock N' Roll is very much alive and here to stay. So move on over rap/hip hop, and all this modern pop and country garbage, Van Halen is here and gonna show you how the big boys do it! David Lee Roth proves yet again that he can still sing and still be one of the best frontman in Rock N' Roll!  While he may not be able to get those high notes he once was able to, he really brings that sultry voice to the top of his game and doesn't back down for one second! Alex and Eddie are both on top of their games and once they start, they don't stop. They let go and just have some good Rock N Roll fun! Wolfgang joins the band in bright colored fashion with a fierce and mighty punch and really shows the world that he can hold his own on bass and that it doesn't matter if Michael Anthony is absent from the band. Van Halen still rocks no matter what! 

When the first single 'Tattoo' came out I was very pleased with it but still had my doubts that they could pull a rabbit out of their magic hat. Then came the 90 second previews the band released and the world got to hear all the music from the new album. I was in aww of the awesomeness that had been unleashed but didn't want to go all the way to believe it was really that awesome as in the past when bands release 30 or 90 second previews sometimes it doesn't turn out as awesome as you first thought it would be as in the case of Metallica's collab album with Lou Reed, 'Lou Lou'. This album however, proved to the world that the 90 second previews were absolutely correct and when the album was finally unleashed to the world, it rock harder than your Grandma's cookies! Goodbye Sammy and Michael and good luck with your sad-excuse-for-a-band chickenfoot, us true Van Halen fans won't miss you! 

'Tattoo' being the first single of which, I would of rather seen 'You and Your Blues' or 'China Town' or 'She's  The Woman' as the first single. But even being so, I am still very pleased with the song. 'Tattoo' is like one of those 80's arena anthems and mixes keyboards and straight Rock N' Roll. The more and more I listen to 'Tattoo' I uncover little hidden snippets of Van Halen's 35 plus year career such as the little snippet of 'When It's Love' on the keyboards. Previous listens I had very happily thought they left out 'OU812' on the album but it finally showed up. Throughout the entire album you'll find hidden snippets if you really dig deep into the music as you listen. Probably not done on purpose but it's great to see Van Halen really go back through the entire catalog and give something, even a tiny something from their career. And they deliver big somethings from their career such as reviving old demos, 'She's The Woman', 'Blood and Fire' and 'Bullethead'. All of which are rock in your face songs that make you wanna pull out that air guitar/bass/drums and jam along!

'China Town', my favorite track, gives you that 'Hot For Teacher' style intro leading into an all out assault on Rock N' Roll! Another favorite of mine, 'As Is' goes all the way back to 'Women and Children First' and pulls out an 'Everybody Wants Some' style song out of their magic hat. Can it get any better? Oh yes! Another favorite is that can't-quite-place-where-I-heard-it-before song 'Outta Space'. Eddie leads the way with this fast and furious song and Alex really brings in a kicking back beat. And whats a Van Halen album without a simple acoustic song? 'Stay Frosty', being my second favorite song on the album really pays homage to the acoustic classics 'Ice Cream Man', 'Take Your Whiskey Home', and 'Big Bad Bill (Is Sweet William Now)'. 

Of course, I've left out a few surprise gems on the album, 'Honeybabysweetiedoll', 'The Trouble With Never', 'Big River', and 'Beats Workin' as I wrap up my review so that you can get that first impression of the songs. You will just have to check out those tunes yourself as well as the entire album and I guarantee you will not be disappointed in the reunited Van Halen boys with David Lee Roth. So hold on for a Rock N' Roll ride of a lifetime as you listen to 'A Different Kind of Truth'. 'A Different Kind of Truth' is a must have album for all fans of Van Halen and fans of Rock N' Roll! A big thank you to Eddie and Dave for settling your differences and coming back to the rock world and giving us a really kick ass album that make all of us fans proud to say we are fans of Van Halen!      

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lacuna Coil - "Dark Adrenaline" Review

I write this review as I'm listening to the new album "Dark Adrenaline" which officially comes out on January 24, 2012. To caution readers, this is my first Lacuna Coil album so technically speaking I am a Lacuna Coil Virgin. I have heard bits and pieces of a few Lacuna Coil songs here and there but nothing in it's entirety like I am currently doing. Lacuna Coil, for those who don't know who they are, are an Italian Goth Metal Band from Milan that was formed in 1994. The band features 4 guys that provide the music,  Cristiano "Pizza" Migliore - guitar, Marco "Maus" Biazzi - guitar, Marco Coti Zelati , bass guitar, keyboards, primary composer, Cristiano "Criz" Mozzati - drums, percussion, one guy on vocals, Andrea Ferro, and one really hot and sexy lady, Cristina Scabbia, on vocals as well as being the primary lyricist. Lacuna Coil has dabbled into alternative metal as well with their last release "Shallow Life". There soon to be released album "Dark Adrenaline" is more Goth Metal but does imploy some of the Alternative Metal. 

So I just finished up listening to the new album and I have to say, I am very impressed. Especially with the cover of REM's "Losing My Religion". I really dig the fresh take on the song and love the vocals of Cristina Scabbia. The song features a heavier sound from the guitars and employs a more gothic sound while retaining that original alternative sound. It also reworks a little of the piano part. I have also been enjoying the first single off the album, "Trip The Darkness". Which starts out with and features primarily Andrea Ferro on vocals and Cristina Scabbia comes in primarily for the chorus parts. Think "Bring me to life" by Evanescence and thats along the lines of "Trip The Darkness". Another great song off the album and probably my favorite track is "End of Time". It's a slower, more soulful song but which perfectly showcases Cristina's beautiful vocals. However, its more uptempo than say "My Immortal" by Evanescence but still very well done! "Kill The Light" is another great song that starts off semi slow and then really rocks out in the chorus.

There is plenty of more great songs on this album and there is definitely a favorite for everyone. If you wanna check out something new that you haven't listened to yet or a fan of metal or simply a fan of Lacuna Coil, you will definitely want to check out "Dark Adrenaline". Guaranteed to not disappoint and quite possibly one of the best metal albums and albums in general of 2012!

Favorite Tracks: "Trip The Darkness", "End of Time", "Kill The Light", "Give Me Something More", "Losing My Religion (REM cover)"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Late Review: Bush - "The Sea of Memories"

I have returned from a bit of a hiatus over December and the holidays to bring you a Late music review of Bush's return to the music world after a 10 year hiatus with "The Sea of Memories". "The Sea of Memories" was released back in September of 2011. You all remember Singer Gavin Rossdale's 90's alternative rock band Bush, right? In case your completely forgot about them lets refresh your memory just a bit. Their 90's hits included such songs as "Everything Zen", "Swallowed", "Machinehead", "Comedown", "Greedy Fly", "The Chemicals Between us", and the remix of the song "Mouth" which was remixed from the original song off of the album "Razorblade Suitcase" and featured in the movie "An American Werewolf in Paris" as well as featured on Bush's remix album "Deconstructed". Personally, the remix of "Mouth" is one of my favorite Bush songs and continues to be one of my favorite songs of the 90's. If your still a little fuzzy about Bush and who Gavin Rossdale is, I'm sure you all remember Miss Gwen Stefani, of the band No Doubt, and her marriage to yes, Gavin Rossdale. Yes, he is the same guy that founded Bush.

Now that we all remember Bush, let take a look at "The Sea of Memories". Let me start off by saying that if your expecting the same type of Bush 90's alternative music as I guess most of us were, You will be disappointed but, not too disappointed once you hear the music. Like many other bands before them, the period of the mid 2000's to early 2010's (I'm sure future years will yield to this as well), bands have decided to grow and mature and change their sound just a bit. Metallica, Jane's Addiction, and Red Hot Chili Peppers were the most notable bands to do this with their latest albums. Bush has followed that lead and created a more pop-rock album. I would like to think of it as a sort of neoalternative music. Basically speaking, a new 2010's version of the 90's alternative rock. But don't get completely down or think they have sold out by any means. This album is a bit of a breath of fresh air for Bush. Gavin Rossdale's superior vocals really shine on this album and is the best its ever been in Bush's long career which started back in 1992. Hard to believe it's been that long right?

This album has some really catchy heavier riffs as well as some very soulful, more romantic, slower songs (but nothing like the 80's slow, sappy, romance songs). The album also has hints of the bands earlier work intertwined into the music. The lead off single "The Sound of Winter" is most arguably one of the best songs off the album. It has a mid-tempo, very catchy riff and a chorus that begs you to sing along. Another notable song would be "The Afterlife". Another mid-tempo that starts off with a very catchy single guitar riff and vocals that sound almost like a college alternative or punk band song then it dives into the chorus which holds back on the heavy punk/alternative riff for a more lighter standard rock riff. In this next song Gavin Rossdale really shows off his impressive vocals with a slower song called "All Night Doctors". Easily my second favorite song. What can I say, I'm a sucker for slower, romantic rock songs. The song starts off with a lone piano and Gavin's very impressive vocals, then plays into the chorus with very light rhythm guitar in the background and what appears to be another piano or perhaps a violin or guitar solo adding to the background rhythm track behind the lone piano. The next track that starts playing is the soon to be second single from the album, "Baby Come Home". This song has reminiscents of the 90's rock music as it reminds me of being back in the mid to late 90's perhaps even early 2000's. Another song with a mid-tempo catchy riff that sounds like a perfect soundtrack song.  "She's a Stallion", "I Believe In You", and "Stand Up" are some other well written songs that also sound like that college-esque alternative band that could be put on a soundtrack. When I see the words "The Heart Of The Matter" I immediately think of the Don Henley song of the same name. Thinking this was a cover of that song the first time I saw the name in the track listing I was eager to listen to it only to find out that it is a completely different and original yet really well done song. Another of my favorite tracks that has an upbeat mid-tempo catchy tune that could easily get stuck in your head. The last song on the album "Be Still My Love" is the second of only two slow songs on the album. Its a bit more uptempo than "All Night Doctors" but again, very well written and Gavin's vocals shine through and are very impressive. No piano though, but its based around a guitar riff and what appears to be a violin or maybe guitar solo in the background.

Overall, I really like the new direction Bush has taken on this new album! As I said before it's a breath of fresh air for Bush, it's fans and for rock music. I highly recommend at least taking a listen to this album. You will definitely like what you hear. Maybe other 90's alternative bands besides Bush and Jane's Addiction will follow suit and continue in this new found neoalternative music! 

Favorite Tracks: "The Sound of Winter", "The Afterlife", "All Night Doctors", "Baby Come Home", "She's A Stallion", "Stand Up", "The Heart of The Matter", "Be Still My Love".